Quiz Night 2024 Report

Quiz Night 2024 Report On Saturday 20 April 2024, around 60 people gathered at Chalgrave Memorial Hall for our ever-popular CSC Quiz Night. The evening kicked off with a loud fanfare as our host, John Parker, made a grand entrance in a snug fitting…

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AGM Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s report from the Chalgrave Sports Club Annual General Meeting, held on 24 April 2024: The past year has had its ‘Ups and Downs’. The ‘down’ was the cancellation of our fantastic Quiz Night back in October because of electrical problems at the Memorial…

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Go Kart Grand Prix Report

On 12 April 2024 Chalgrave Sports Club held their first go karting social event at the indoor Teamsport track in Dunstable. A diverse group CSC members and guests gathered in the venue’s reception before the 16 drivers headed off to get kitted up in…

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CSC Spring Golf Day – Chalgrave Manor Golf Club

This year’s Spring CSC Golf Day will take place on Saturday 18 May 2024 just up the road at Chalgrave Manor Golf Club. The format for the day is to start around 10:00, with tea/coffee and bacon rolls (or non-meat alternative) on arrival, followed by a round of friendly…

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Donation to Toddington St George School

On behalf of Chalgrave Sports Club, earlier this year chairman Phil Parry made a generous donation to Toddington St. George Church of England School. The funds, raised during the sports club’s Quiz Night in April 2023, were presented to the school’s Head Teacher, Andrew…

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Notice of Annual General Meeting

On Wednesday 24th April 2024 the clubs AGM will take place at 7:30pm at The Fancott Arms pub (in the ‘snug’, the room at the left-hand side of the bar). Club members as well as the public are invited to attend. If you would…

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CSC Go Kart Grand Prix – SOLD OUT

CSC Indoor Go Kart Grand Prix Event Friday 12 April 2024, 7:30pm. Cost £51 per driver. This event is now fully SOLD OUTwith a reserve waiting list CSC have arranged an evening of Indoor Go Karting to take place at TeamSports in Woodside, Dunstable,…

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March CSC Parkrun Meet Up

Saturday 09 March 2024 marked Houghton Hall hosting its 250th Parkrun. The event was attended by over 320 runners and walkers, including a few CSC members and guests who were also there as part of the clubs monthly Parkrun meet up. This milestone 250th…

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Indoor Go Karting

Our recent poll asking people which social sporting activity they would like to do first came back with an overwhelming 80% preference for organising a go karting evening as our first activity. This will be held at the indoor TeamSport venue in Woodside, Dunstable….

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Vote for Your Choice of Social Activity

CSC are planning to organise a number social sporting activities throughout the year that are more about socialising and having a bit of fun rather than how skilful or sporty you are. That said, I’m sure there will still be some healthy competition from…

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