Quiz Night 2024 Report

Quiz Night 2024 Report

On Saturday 20 April 2024, around 60 people gathered at Chalgrave Memorial Hall for our ever-popular CSC Quiz Night.

The evening kicked off with a loud fanfare as our host, John Parker, made a grand entrance in a snug fitting gold sequin jacket. Although meant as a joke, John seemed quite taken by the jacket and wore it throughout the first half of the quiz.

To level the playing field, this year’s quiz introduced a new system that awarded bonus points based on team size. Smaller teams received more bonus points, while larger teams received fewer or no points.

The first two rounds, Entertainment (TV, film, music) and Looks Familiar (study the image on the screen and answer the question), saw teams treading carefully, with none playing their jokers (which double the points for the round). In Round 3, Food & Drink, confidence grew, and five teams opted to play their jokers, with mixed results.

Our resident ‘Head of Worrying’ Phil Parry, breathed a huge sigh of relief as the Howe & Co fish & chip van arrived to start cooking the food. John continued with quick-fire questions, squeezing in Round 4, Sport & Leisure, before the half-time break.

During the interval, an excellent, freshly cooked fish and chip dinner was served. Though it took some time to serve all tables, the food was cooked fresh to order and not left sitting around or kept warm. We apologise for any wait and hope the meal was worth it!

At the start of the evening, each team received two 20-question table round sheets, Famous Faces and Mr. Men & Little Miss, to complete. These were collected and marked during the interval, but the scores remained secret until the final round to add suspense when the final scores were revealed.

After the meal, it was time for our now traditional game of True or False. Similar to Heads or Tails, participants have to guess the truth of random statements by placing their hands on their heads (true) or bottoms (false). After several rounds it was down to 8 people still standing, with our host John interrogating each of them on what they would do with the life changing £30 prize if they were to win. The game continued but only two participants correctly guessed that Italians are more likely than the Dutch to wash their hands after going to the toilet! The last two, Darren and Amanda went head-to-head (or perhaps more correctly, head to tails!) for the final question (watch video). Amanda correctly guessed that Arnold Schwarzenegger is not older than Sylvester Stallone and won the £30 prize, which she generously donated back to the club for our community activities. Thank you, Amanda!

Apologies for any incorrect or missing names! Let us know if you spot an errors or omissions.

The quiz resumed with Round 5, Sounds Familiar, always a favourite, where questions are based on sound or music clips. With drinks now in full flow, this round was particularly lively, especially when the answers were revealed.

The final round, Double or Nothing, tested the teams’ nerves. Teams could earn double points for correct answers but would lose all points for the round if any answer was wrong. Passing on a question didn’t count as a wrong answer. The round ended with loud groans and some cursing as five teams scored zero points.

Finally, the scores were revealed. With the table round scores added, results were announced in reverse order. The Young Ones (who struggled with the older generation questions but excelled in YouTube and pop music) finished last. Too embarrassed to accept the Wooden Spoon award, they sent their teammate William to accept it on their behalf. William enjoyed his moment of fame, milking the applause.

The scores continued to be revealed until only two teams remained. Quiz Tarrant (Mike, Amanda, Christina, Matt, and Dave) took the runners-up spot, unable to overtake Mission Improbable (Nev, Sharon, Lisa, Neil, and John), who were crowned Quiz Champions with 101 points (watch video). Nev announced that they would donate their £100 cash prize back to the club to support health and wellbeing activities. Thank you, Nev, and the Mission Improbable team (watch video).

It was a brilliant evening filled with laughter, head scratching, missed points and poor excuses, great food, and most importantly, good company. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event.

Thank You

Although the CSC committee put in a lot of work to organise and run events like this, it would not be possible without the unwavering help and support from others that enable us to make the event a success on the night. We are very grateful to the following people (in no particular order) for all their help: Fiona, Lesley, Vicky, Su, Mandy, Flo, Gabe, and Libby. Also thank you to those that stayed behind to help clear up and put away all of the tables and chairs.

Videos from the Quiz Night can also be viewed on the CSC YouTube channel and a collage of the photos can be viewed on the CSC Instagram page. If you do visit any of our social media pages, please Like/Follow/Subscibe.