Club Constitution

Chalgrave Sports Club Constitution

A copy of this constitution is also available to download in PDF format.

Approved Revised Constitution 2021.

1) The Club shall be known as Chalgrave Sports Club

2) Management and Administration

(i) The transaction of the business of the club shall be vested in an Executive Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting which. in addition to the powers of authority of this constitution, may exercise all powers and authority and undertake all acts in the furtherance of aims for which the club is established and are not hereby expressly directed.

(ii) The members of the Executive Committee shall not have any personal interest in any property belonging to the Club (other than as a trustee for the Club) nor receive any remuneration from any contract entered into by the Executive Committee. The single exception to this being that if a member is a solicitor, accountant or other professional person and is engaged by the Executive Committee to act on behalf of the Club in a professional capacity. In this case he or she may charge and be paid appropriate professional fees for such work done. When such work or fees are being discussed by the Executive Committee, then the member concerned shall withdraw from the meeting.

3) The Charity’s Objects are:

The provision and maintenance of a playing field for the recreation and other leisure time occupation of the inhabitants of Chalgrave (and surrounding area) in the interests of social welfare and with the objective of improving the conditions of life for such persons. In the event that no permanent field is available, alternative and temporary facilities will be procured as appropriate. The Club should continue to search for a permanent site to be owned by the Club and the means to do so

4) Powers

(i) power to encourage the playing of the game of cricket and other sports through the provision of practice and playing facilities, coaching and fixtures for all playing members.

(ii) power to afford all members such benefits and privileges as it may be possible to arrange.

(iii) power to ensure all members, playing and non-playing, conform to the laws of the games and Codes of Conduct.

(iv) power to encourage members of all categories to participate in the life of the club through playing,
social, educational, and fund-raising activities and general management.

(v) power to promote the social values of the Parish, encouraging participation of our young people and disabled whilst embracing equality of race, gender and religion.

(vi) power to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the Executive Committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to the relevant requirements of the law.

(vii) power to buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use.

(viii) power subject to any consents required by law to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Charity.

{ix) power subject to any consents required by law to borrow money and to charge all or any part of the property of the Charity with repayment of the monies so borrowed.

(x) power to employ such staff (who shall not be members of the Executive Committee) as are
necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects and make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions and superannuation for staff and their dependents.

(xi) power to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in ants. furtherance of the objects or similar charitable purposes and to exchange with them information and advice.

(xii) power to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for all or any of the objects.

(xiii) power to appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Executive Committee may think fit.

(xiv) power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.

5) Membership

Membership shall be open to all. Admittance to membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

6) General Meetings

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the club shall be held following the season and by April 30 each year unless there are extraordinary extenuating circumstances as deemed by the Executive Committee. At least 21 days notice shall be given of the AGM by notices published locally and circulated electronically to all members. The business of the AGM shall include:

  • Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM and any business arising there from
  • Annual Report (Secretary)
  • Audited Accounts and Treasurer’s Report
  • Election of Chairman, Vice chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Members (together with such other posts as it may have been agreed by the Executive Committee)
  • Notified amendments to the Constitution (if any)
  • Annual subscriptions
  • Other business duly notified to the Secretary beforehand, in writing.

7) Special or Extraordinary General Meetings

By simple majority of the Executive Committee or on a requisition signed by at least 10 club members a Special or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary, giving at least 14 days notice, notification being as for the AGM.

8) Committees

Such other committees or sub-committees shall be established as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee or by a vote at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. The terms of reference of such other committees shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

9) Co-option

Power to co-opt as deemed appropriate shall be vested in all committees of the club but such co-opted committee members shall not be entitled to vote. Co-opted members may be non club members invited to advise on specialist subjects.

10) Voting

At Annual and Special General Meetings, each member shall be entitled to one vote. In the event of an equal vote the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands except where the Executive Committee or meeting Chairman decides voting shall be by ballot. All meeting decisions shall be made by a simple majority of members present.

11) Quorum

The Quorum at an Annual or Special General Meeting shall be six members. The Quorum at Management and other committees shall be at least half of the membership of that Committee.

12) Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence, the notice, and agenda and the minutes of Annual, Special and Executive Committee meetings. Minutes of the aforementioned meetings shall be presented for confirmation at the following meeting. Minutes should also be taken of sub-committee meetings.

13) Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters including the receipt of monies, payments,
banking and the production of an audited statement of accounts and annual report. The treasurer shall also be responsible for producing an update of the financial position, as required by the Executive Committee. The treasurer shall ensure that all cheques are signed by two authorised members of the Executive Committee, one of whom shall be Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer or that other measures are in place to facilitate electronic banking in a secure manner

14) Financial Year

The club’s financial year shall be from January1 to December 31.

15) Accounts

The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment of the Act) with regard to:-

  • The keeping of accounting records for the Charity.
  • The preparation of annual statements of account for the Charity.
  • The auditing or independent examination of the statements of account of the Charity.
  • The transmission of statements of account of the Charity to the commission.

16) Annual Report

The Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory reenactment of the Act) with regard to the preparation of an annual report and its transmission to the Commission.

17) Subscriptions

A bona fide member of the club shall be deemed as such upon payment of the appropriate subscriptions by the stipulated date each year or by Executive Committee recorded decision. A list of members in all categories shall be maintained by a nominated member of the Executive Committee

18) Monies

Any member authorised to collect monies for or on behalf of the club shall pay such monies to the Treasurer within seven days of such collection or within a time scale agreed by the Executive Committee.

19) Investments

Investment of any monies shall be made, if appropriate, in a recognised bank or building society account. Such investment shall be made only with the authority of the Executive Committee.

20) Eligibility

No person shall be eligible to take part in the business of the club unless the appropriate subscription has been paid by the specified date, or membership agreed by the Executive Committee.

21) Playing Field

The field shall be made available, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, to all local residents when not otherwise required for official club fixtures and other local organisations.

22) Suspension

The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend or exclude any member, in any category, for contravention and of this constitution or documented rules or Codes of Conduct.

23) Appeal

Any member suspended or excluded by the Executive Committee (or a delegated subcommittee) shall have the right to attend an appeal hearing, be represented and produce witnesses in support of his/her appeal. The appeal board (a maximum of three) shall not include members of the original decision-making committee but will be drawn from members of the Club. The decision of the appeal board shall be final and binding on all parties.

24) Amendments to the constitution

Amendments to this constitution shall be made at an Annual or Special General Meeting. Proposals for such must be submitted to the Executive Committee at least ten days before said meeting and approved by a majority of two thirds of voting members at the meeting.

25) Dissolution

If the Executive Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Club it shall call a
meeting of all members of the club having given at least 21 days’ notice. If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting then the Executive Committee shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Club. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of proper debts or liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other institutions having objects similar to the Club. If the club has charitable status, registered at the Charity Commission, then a copy of the statement of accounts for the final accounting period of the Club will be sent to the Charity Commission.

26) English Law

The club shall be governed by the laws of England.

Dated 30 November 1999.

Amended 30th June 2001 following the approval of the 2001 Annual General meeting in order to comply with the requirements of the Charity Commission.

Amended 14th January 2002 following the approval of an Extraordinary General meeting to further comply with the requirements of the Charity Commission.

Amended 5th May 2021 following the approval of the 2021 AGM.

Signed:    Phil Parry

Signed:    Debbie Levy