Yoga Classes Resume From 06 November

The yoga class scheduled for Monday 30th October has been cancelled due to the Memorial Hall still being closed, however the good news is that we have been notified that the hall repairs are almost complete and that all classes from 06 November onwards will be able to go ahead as normal.

We have also now secured additional dates for classes in January, February, and March 2024. These, along with the existing November and December class dates can be viewed and booked on our website.

Although you can just turn up on the day, we strongly recommend reserving your place in advance so that should there ever be problems again, we can easily get in touch with those planning to come along to let them know. You can reserve your place by emailing us to let us know which class(es) you will be attending or by booking online (click on the class date and click the ‘Book Now’ button) for the relevant date(s).

We appreciate that the last few weeks have been very disappointing and frustrating for those that regularly participate in the yoga. CSC have been in regular contact with the Memorial Hall but uncertainty around the remedial work required and timescales to complete has meant it has been very difficult to plan ahead with any degree of confidence, hence the short notice cancellations. Hopefully that is all now in the past and the yoga can continue normally.