MAD Awards Evening

On the evening of January 20th, CSC members and guests gathered at The Fancott in Toddington to enjoy an evening of food, drinks, and good company. This year’s event was extra special as we combined it with the presentation of the well-deserved ‘Mile a Day’ MAD medals.

The evening began with a lively social hour, where 21 people enjoyed refreshing drinks and engaging conversations. CSC Chairman, Phil Parry, then called for quiet, and with uncharacteristic brevity, delivered a congratulatory speech, applauding everyone involved in the 2023 MAD Challenge. It was a moment of great respect for everyone’s achievements as medals were presented to all the MAD winners in attendance.

2023 MAD Medal Winners – Mandy, Simon, Debbie, Lesley, Phil, Jess, Adrian, Ian, Kevin, Amanda, Mike

Following the presentations, 12 of our members opted to continue the evening by dining in the restaurant. Unfortunately, some elements of the meal were reminiscent of a ‘Fawlty Towers’ episode, but it only added to the fun of the evening as everyone thoroughly themselves.

Overall it was a great evening, filled with laughter, questionable food, and extremely good company.

For those that were unable to attend they either collected their medals from us or arranged to get them passed on to them through someone else. They are pictured here proudly wearing their well-deserved medals.

If we have missed out your picture and you would like to be featured, or you are yet to collect your medal, or want to appear on the Hall of Fame, please let us know.