Christmas 2021 Golf Day

Paul Levy reports on the CSC Golf Society day at Chalgrave Manor Golf Club:

Notwithstanding the influences of the great unprecedented pandemic, resulting in players’ need to cry off at short notice, and also failing the compulsory testing (the club has always taken seriously precautions and insists on this before every event), the planned sixteen of us were reduced to eight on the day.

I might also observe that a few fair-weather golfers preferred not to get their shoes dirty. In hindsight they were probably right on that. With three, three-balls booked to play, the Club Chairman, doubling as starter and club chronicler (photographer, well, he got his phone out) joined the group for coffee and bacon rolls. So the two fourballs set off. Now it would be difficult you’ll understand to be able to report first-hand on how everyone played. For you can only be on one hole at a time. To my great relief teeing off first in front of the gathered throng (if eight constitutes a throng), I hit a ball straight down the middle, and in a way that made others gasp. I heard some whisper “how on earth did he do that” or some form or words that I am unable to write in this gentle publication, but means the same.

Strangely at the end of a long, tiring, but most enjoyable round (the company not the conditions) the result was the same as last year. I do mean strangely for a year ago there were just two of us, you may recall. Mr Andrews came first, and I came last. A year on, Mr Andrews was first with an incredible 33 points, and I was last with the same number of points as a year ago.

Finally, I was very concerned to receive this photo of one of our number. I did not witness the incident, and, let me hasten to assure you that he is safe and well, He, apparently, lost his footing on the 18th. You will appreciate he felt he was unable to join us for refreshment and prizes. Tis’ unusual to take as long to clean up after a game of golf…… but this is the spirit that keeps us playing. Oh the camaraderie!

Hopefully it will be dryer safer, and warmer at the next CSC Golf Society event.