Norfolk Coast Mighty Hike

Congratulations to CSC committee member Danielle Cousins for completing the 26.2 mile Norfolk Coast Mighty Hike 2023. A great achievement and Danielle also raised over £300 for a very worthwhile charity, Macmillan Cancer Support.

I signed up to the MacMillan Norfolk Mighty Hike with a friend, to walk in memory of her mum who passed away in December. As the hike approached, the friend I signed up with entered her third trimester and was unable to take part, so I was walking for us both – no pressure!

While I am fairly active (a couple of gym sessions a week, the odd bike ride and regular 2-5 mile walks) I hadn’t managed any training walks over 8 miles and was very nervous as the day drew nearer. I knew a few people of my age and older who’d completed walking marathons before but it didn’t stop me worrying about how my recurring injuries would be after the half way mark, or how I would get through it in my sweaty leather hiking boots, when 8 miles always resulted in agonising blisters. The night before, I decided to abandon my boots and go for an airier pair of trainers. Arriving at the start line, I was so happy to see many other people had done the same!

The event was brilliantly organised and saw people of almost every age and ability taking part. The key was to take it at your own pace, wear whatever you’re comfortable in and enjoy the views and company! We followed undulating coastal paths, crunched along the “never ending shingle” beach, walked through seaside towns and back inland past salt marshes, windmills and ancient trees. Every few miles brought something new – and luckily, a toilet stop!

I’m so happy to have taken part in this event and would recommend it to anyone looking for a long distance hiking challenge – especially as this route is fairly flat! My feet didn’t escape totally unscathed, and I took painkillers twice to keep niggles at bay long enough to hold hands with my friends and skip across the finish line!

Every time I wear my event t-shirt I’m reminded of a brilliant day and the reason behind it all – being part of a community raising money for a great charity that is still providing support my friend and her family💚.

If you fancy getting involved, here are MacMillan’s upcoming Mighty Hikes!

Or for those who’d rather run / swim / cycle / jump out of a plane…

Stay up to date with our latest group walks – the perfect way to start your training!