Phil Parry

Club Chairman and Trustee Club Chairman and also actively involved in running and organising the yoga classes, Parkrun, cricket, and social events. Participates in yoga, pilates, walking, ‘Mile a Day’ challenge, and cricket.     Contact

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Paul Levy

Club Treasurer and Trustee Club treasurer and also actively involved in running and organising social events, Parkrun, golf, and cricket. Participates in Parkrun, walking, golf, and cricket.       Contact

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Debbie Levy

Club Secretary and Trustee Club secretary and also provides general administration and organisation for many of the clubs events and activities. Participates in the Parkrun, walking, ‘Mile a Day’ challenge and gym workouts.       Contact

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Ed Morton

Committee Member and Trustee Actively involved in the clubs social media, running and yoga. Experienced runner, cyclist, swimmer, golfer, and gym workouts.       Contact

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John Parker

Committee Member and Trustee Actively involved in running, organising, and hosting/comparing the club social events, and also assists with the Parkrun. Participates in the Parkrun, walking, and ‘Mile a Day’ challenge.       Contact

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Simon Gatward

Membership Secretary and Trustee Club membership secretary and responsible for the club’s website development. Actively involved in the running and organising the yoga classes, Parkrun and social events. Participates in Parkrun, walking, ‘Mile a Day’ challenge, and enjoys recreational cycling.       Contact

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